The world-renowned University at Buffalo Canon Stroke and Vascular Research Center focuses on research related to the diagnosis and treatment of vascular disease through minimally invasive invasive image-guided interventions, improved imaging modalities and devices, and better understanding of hemodynamics. The overall goal is to have innovations emerging from the center quickly translated into clinical practice and implemented by industry so that they may directly benefit patients.”
The Jacobs Institute is a medical innovations center focused on accelerating device development in vascular medicine we foster collisions of physicians, engineers, entrepreneurs, and industry all under one roof. The Jacobs Institute’s vision is to improve the treatment of vascular disease in Western New York and the world, while fostering local economic development, and honoring the memory of Lawrence D Jacobs M.D.
Publications | September 11, 2024
View all PublicationsIn the News | June 17, 2024
UBNS in the NewsUBNS appoints Dr. Laszlo Mechtler as Neurology Volunteer Faculty to enhance neuroscience education and research. Dr. Mechtler brings extensive expertise in neurology, oncology, and medical marijuana, improving patient outcomes.
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